Where are the “jack points” or lift points on my vehicle?

Where are the “jack points” or lift points on my vehicle? Modern vehicles have very specific locations where the jack must be placed to raise the car properly. Your vehicle owner’s manual should have information on the jacking points and their locations. If you can’t find information on jack point locations in your vehicle owner’s […]

Will your spare tire work properly on hybrid versions of my vehicle model?

Will your spare tire work properly on hybrid versions of my vehicle model? Yes, if the product description page for your vehicle model does not specify its compatibility with Hybrid versions, rest assured that the spare is compatible. If a hybrid vehicle requires a variation in our spare tire kit or spare tire design, we […]

What is Route Shipping Insurance, and am I required to purchase it?

What is Route Shipping Insurance, and am I required to purchase it? Route Insurance is optional coverage that goes well beyond typical insurance. Route does cover any form of damage incurred during shipping and when the carrier simply loses or misdelivers your order. A new order can be generated on your behalf to ensure you […]